Your Home As Seen By...
The Neighborhood
Home values in a neighborhood can be greatly effected by a home going on the market or for selling below market value. Neighbors want to know what the list price or sale price of the homes in their neighborhood are and how it will contribute to the value of their home. Often they will visit the open house, look at the home on the internet and sometimes even call the listing agent. Setting the right price for your home is best done by hiring a professional – A Realtor – Call us today so we can provide a comprehensive valuation of your home!
The Buyer
The buyer has searched for just the right property to meet their needs. They have been through the trials of obtaining financing, having a home inspection and the Appraisal. The buyer can already see themselves living in the property, placing their furniture in the rooms or inviting their family and friends for events and holidays. Choosing a Realtor to assist with the purchase of the home will make the transaction smoother and easier
The Lender
When a buyer makes an offer on your property every seller wants to be assured their agent knows the type of loan program the buyer is using to purchase their home. There are subtle differences in the types of loans buyers can use to purchase a home that can affect the the sellers bottom line at closing.
The Home Inspector
The home inspector works for the buyer. It is the Home Inspectors job to inspect the sellers home and recommend repairs needed. The buyer can request the seller make any repairs at cost to the seller. We offer all of our sellers a FREE home warranty during the listing and after closing to the buyer, giving both the seller & buyer peace of mind that the big ticket items are covered by a Home Warranty.
Don’t let Zillow Zestimate your property. A few years ago I had a seller call me about listing his home. The final sale price was $65,000 more then the Zestimate Zillow valued his property at. He thought he couldn’t afford to sell using the zestimate Zillow gave him but with a Realtor valuing his home not only could he afford to sell but had a good down payment on his next home!
The Appraiser
The appraiser is hired by the bank to determine the value of the property the buyers are purchasing. The Appraiser is governed by a set of rules that they must follow and each loan program has a set of guide lines that must be adhered to. When an offer to purchase is made it is the duty of the Realtor to know if the property can be purchased with the buyers loan program. Repairs recommended by an Appraiser must be completed before a sale can go to closing.
The Tax Assessor
Tax assessments are part of home ownership they fund roads, schools and much more. The value the tax assessor places on a property can vary greatly from what the home owner views as the value of their home and the listing or sale price of a property. As property prices increase so do the tax values at assessment time. The seller sees his home as his castle and sometimes the tax assessor does too!
The Realtor
A Realtor’s job is to sell your home within the guidelines set forth in the code of ethics. If your home is placed on the MLS, the Realtor has already agreed to work with participating Brokers honestly and fairly. You, the seller, are hiring a professional to sell your home and to connect all the parties of the transaction together. Hiring a Realtor can save you, the seller, a lot of money in the long run by utilizing the Realtors knowledge and expertise.
For a FREE, No obligation Current Market Analysis of your home click here